the very Parisian Persian Iran Khanoom.
She is the cool grandmother we all wish we had. With almost 300,000 Instagram followers, Paris-based Iran Khanoom is fighting for women's rights and social justice in an ever so elegant manner.
AM: Iran, please tell us about your journey, and that of your two daughters Faranak and Farideh, from Iran to France
The path I took was one filled with ups and downs, from the great position that we had before the Revolution to the fall of the Shah’s regime, which led to the confiscation of our property. This, in particular, had a deep impact on the lives of my children. Most of my kids, including my little daughter, had already left Iran before the revolution, but my daughter, because of how young she was at the time, had to return to Iran with me. Years later, though, after she got married, she went back to Paris. I too left Iran after my husband passed away.
AM: For those who haven’t visited Iran, how would you describe your beautiful country? And what are some special memories you have there?
I can say that for me, Iran is the most beautiful country in the entire world—a vast land with a diverse climate and culture, various spoken languages, great historical background and heritage, and amazingly hospitable people. I can certainly say that the sweetest moments of my life, my loveliest memories, are ones that I experienced in Iran.
AM: Your daughters and yourself seem to have a “girl power” mode;
independent woman, living in a foreign country. How did you teach your
daughters to be strong?
Perhaps for most, a woman’s beauty is an
important aspect. For me, however, beauty lies in power, and I define
power not as authority or wealth but as one’s character. A woman with
high self-confidence simply looks beautiful, especially if she believes
that as a daughter, sister, wife, or mother, she can rely on herself and
doesn’t need a man’s help or support to achieve her goals. Obviously,
girls look up to their mothers.
AM: You like to celebrate age gracefully and naturally. What is a message of hope to anyone who is afraid of growing older?
I never thought about the passage of time and growing old. Instead, I
always thought about how to enjoy every second. If you ask me, no one is
old for anything. It is not late to do anything, unless you think of it
that away.
AM: You currently have almost 300,000 followers. When did your story on Instagram first begin?
It all began on a fall evening. I was drinking tea with my younger daughter and my grandson Daniel, talking about Iranian women and how most of them feel insecure about their age and are afraid of getting old. I said to them, I always think I am young! And we thought that it would be a good idea if I could convey this feeling to everyone.
AM: What are some opportunities that you were able to get through your strong social media presence?
Probably the best thing that may have come out of my Instagram page is the redefining of the word “becoming old” and changing the perception of growing older and the fear that comes with it, especially for women. It also may have been able to tackle some of the cultural issues that exist today in our country in some small ways.
AM: And are there some Iranian or international designers you have your eyes on?
try to support young talents from Iran, where I come from. For example,
I like Araz Fazaeli, SafSafu and also Vaqar.
AM: While you are also an advocate for social justice, you seem to enjoy
dressing up. Tell us more about the right formula for making a woman
look elegant
In my opinion, what makes you a beautiful person first
and foremost is in the way you behave toward and interact with other
people. Once you have that figured out, then, having a dress that fits
your body well, compliments your skin tone and face, and is time and
place appropriate helps tremendously.
AM: What advice would you give to oriental woman in general who are still fighting for their rights?
Eastern women to claim their basic and essential rights, the key to
success is in unity and in recognizing their abilities and strengths.
Eastern women must believe that unless a woman is willing to become a
second or third wife, men cannot have multiple wives. Our rights are
earned, not given.
AM: Finally, what are you working on in 2022?
think I'm going to enjoy my life! I don't know for how many days or
seconds, but none of us know anyways. If you want to win the battle with
this sad world on a daily basis you have to learn how to laugh.